Data scientists launch PerfectLeads, Identifies Business Prospects using Artificial Intelligence and Big Data

Brian Roizen, a graduate of UCLA’s Masters program in Mechanical Engineering, together with his brother, Robert Roizen, also a graduate of UCLA Engineering, today announce the launch of PerfectLeads, a sales prospecting tool that gives sales teams and individuals an unparalleled ability to rapidly find and research business prospects.

Geared towards small business owners, business development professionals and sales teams, the PerfectLeads web-based sales prospecting tool gives B2B companies access to an easily searchable database of more than 80 million business prospects in over 670 industries.

PerfectLeads employs its intuitive FastFilter™ technology and advanced AI to let users rapidly build groups of company prospects that may be a good fit for their products or services. The prospect detail can then be very easily exported to MS Excel, or for Salesforce and Zoho users, sent directly to their CRM.   The platform allows its users to have a smarter, faster, and more focused method of researching their clients as they can choose to search for business in specific industries or geographies, based on a company’s use of specific technology, and even Google Ad Spend and the social media popularity of their URL.


Image Source: UnSplash

The secret to PerfectLeads’ prospecting power lies, to a large extent, in the Dynamic Classification algorithms that use artificial intelligence to automatically discover and categorize business prospects into one or more of hundreds of industries. In an environment where, according to U.S. Census data, more than 1,500 companies are born and die each day, this makes for a powerful prospecting tool.

“You can think of PerfectLeads as a secret door to an ever-changing pool of tens of millions of business prospects,” says Co-CTO Brian Roizen. “The AI we’ve built into the platform, along with our FastFilter™ technology, effectively funnels the power of Big Data into a very powerful search engine for all business’, that’s also incredibly easy to use.” he adds.

In addition to industry and geography, the FastFilter™ technology lets users filter prospect companies based on the technologies they use. The list of more than 400 technologies that PerfectLeads currently covers   ((an ever-growing number) includes Analytics, eCommerce, Shopping Engines, CMS, Mobile Responsiveness and more. Once a user has their results, the list can be exported to multiple file formats, including .csv and MS Excel giving them flexibility as they take the next steps to contact their possible clients.

Another key feature of the platform is PerfectLeads’ extension for Google’s Chrome browser, PerfectLink™. It allows users to integrate their searches with LinkedIn, giving them a simple contact avenue to explore by just clicking on the LinkedIn icon on their PerfectLeads search results.

For the team at PerfectLeads, it’s the sheer volume of data and their use of Artificial Intelligence for industry classification that sets it apart from other prospecting tools, s which have significantly smaller databases and do not provide industry filters The effectiveness of outbound sales for businesses of any size remains a key driver of growth. However, popular strategies — such as the use of lead-lists and the sending of mass emails in the hope of converting possible customers — are increasingly ineffective.

According to PerfectLeads CEO, Shawn Lipman, “Tools like PerfectLeads, which place the emphasis on first identifying good prospect companies, before providing a means for exploring connections with that company, are invaluable in a sales environment dominated by social selling, and where prospects expect every interaction to have relevance and context”. By ensuring prospecting accuracy, PerfectLeads gives the sales professional a better chance of creating a positive first interaction. his could spell the difference between a sale and a dismissal. 

Equally as valuable is the time-saving PerfectLeads’ founders suggest it will provide. According to a recent study conducted by CSO Insights, less than 2 out of 3 sales people (and only 57% of companies) hit their own quota, with sales reps spending a full 20% of their time doing qualifying research. According to Brian Roizen, “In addition to improving accuracy and precision, PerfectLeads can also dramatically reduce your prospecting effort… with each minute you save not having to look for companies being a minute you can spend building relationships with the right ones”.

“Our tool ensures that business and teams only contact companies who they are sure could benefit from their products and services… and this, in our opinion, is the only long-term strategy for outbound sales that fosters trust and brand loyalty,” explains PerfectLeads CEO Shawn Lipman. He adds, “and the real yardstick for our success is whether we are truly helping salespeople be more effective, not only in meeting and exceeding their quotas, but doing so in a way that builds real long-term value and relationships.”


PerfectLeads is changing the game in outbound sales for companies who sell B2B products and services. It is the only sales prospecting tool that uses Artificial Intelligence to make it easy for Sales Professionals and Business Owners to find companies that look like prospective customers. With more than 80 million prospects covering 670+ industries, and more than 400 filters based on technology use of the prospects, it”s a powerful new platform for discovering new business and improving the accuracy of outbounds sales and marketing efforts.

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About Author
Akshay is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on LudoTech.
