Travel Stratups Incubator invests in luxurious traveling tool

Startup Jolie creates high-end travel experiences by connecting clients with service providers across the ground transportation and lifestyle industries.

Travel Startups Incubator saw great potential in the startup and will therefore make a $25,000 investment in its new on-demand chauffeur platform that will roll out beta services in New York City in Winter 2015.

Jolie”s platform connects busy travelers to luxury transportation and lifestyle services. The startup combines the convenience of on-demand attention with an intuitive mobile app that allows travelers to leverage a comprehensive network of professional chauffeurs.

Clients can make special requests (a snack, meeting at the airport, or your favorite driver) and set the price they”re willing to pay beforehand. The drivers on the other hand can make their own agenda and reject incoming chauffeur requests without incurring penalties.

“What’s unique and different about Jolie is that they are building technology and tools for professional chauffeurs to be able to compete against the Uber’s & Lyft’s of the world while launching a high-end consumer mobile app,” said Matt Zito, Managing Partner Travel Startups Incubator

Although Jolie focuses more on affluent urban customers, unlike Uber for example, it is not necessarily more expensive. Moreover, “ground transportation is the hottest vertical for investment in the travel industry in the last 2 years and this is our second investment in the category. We believe there is still more room in the market,” added Zito.

“We are tapping into the new on-demand transportation and lifestyle services markets,” said CEO and Jolie Co-founder Tricia Miranda. “With Jolie, we aim to bridge the gap in travel between the planning of transportation and lifestyle services. Clients can rely on our app to indulge in a luxurious experience when they travel in their home city or while traveling further afield.”



About Author
Akshay is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on LudoTech.
