Workflow app ActionAlly set to reshape the way businesses approach workload productivity

As computers become a part of our everyday work lives, applications such as ActionAlly are becoming an invaluable tool in effective time management for small businesses and entrepreneurs who rely on their own productivity to push their ventures forward.

By applying a fresh new perspective and taking a proactive approach towards worker productivity, the ActionAlly application, a simple OSX tool, is set to reshape the way we approach our workload and plan our tasks throughout the day.

By bringing the day’s tasks to the forefront, the app ensures that users focus on the work at hand before the opportunity to get distracted appears. Users can also choose to have the ActionAlly panel appear at set times throughout the day to remind them of their tasks.

“The ActionAlly application takes a proactive approach to productivity by helping you stay focused and even get back into things when you”re off-track,” says founder and developer Nicky Hajal, a repeat entrepreneur currently working with the World Domination Summit, a conference that brings over 2500 entrepreneurs to Portland, Oregon, each yearly.

The app, however, is much more than just a “to do list” as it prompts users to not only create a list of tasks but also “clarify the actions you’ll take to get started” and answer why it is important for the task to get done.

Now with the proliferation of social media networks and countless communication, information, and entertainment channels offered by the digital world, these figures are arguably set to rise regardless of the work environment.

“Most solutions on the market encourage productivity by either blocking websites or tracking wasted time, neither of which actually make getting started on important work easier. They just make getting distracted harder,” says Hajal.

“What we need, and what ActionAlly facilitates, is a platform that channels us into our work before distractions have a chance,” he adds.

Available now for a seven-day free trial through the ActionAlly website, a lifetime license can also be purchased for the limited-time launch price of $37.

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Akshay is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on LudoTech.
