Slide is capitalizing BLE technology to share images

Where other apps rely on an invitation-and-accept mechanism, Slide uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to share images with other app users in the immediate area. Photos can be shared with anyone using Slide within a distance of up to 200 feet without needing to ‘friend’ or ‘follow’ other users.

Bluetooth Low Energy beacons are a new and emerging force in the mobile app market, a force that capitalizes on the billions of devices that will be capable of iBeacon technology by 2019. Slide is the only app that enables users to unlock their phones’ potential as a beacon for social discovery.

“Slide’s first-to-market use of iBeacon for social discovery enables people who might have just met to be able to interact with each other,” said Slide Co-Founder Jesse Molina.

Molina says he was inspired to create Slide as a means for people in the same location to easily interact with each other. “Slide is about enhancing the experience of being together,” he said. “Too often social media can take us away from the opportunity to interact with people in the same room. With Slide, friends can share pictures with everyone around them and engage in real life conversations around those pictures.”

“We believe that your friends are everyone who is immediately around you and we want to connect people in the here and now,” Molina added.

Slide is intuitive and easy to use. Photo sharers can snap a quick image and then decide to slide the photo either up to share, or down to delete. The photo can be shared with anyone within close vicinity. Users also have the option to send photos that can be viewed only once. In these cases, the photos are received with a frosted over effect. Tapping the image will defrost and reveal the photo for a single viewing.



About Author
Akshay is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on LudoTech.
