Outsource your everyday tasks to save time

Sharing economy startup People as a Service has an extensive database of fully qualified and specially selected freelancers who provide a cost-effective and efficient way for agents to outsource their smaller tasks so they can focus on what really matters: selling properties.

Sharing economy startup People as a Service now enables realtors to put more time and effort into brokering deals by outsourcing their everyday jobs to trusted individuals.

“People as a Service has already successfully provided freelancers for businesses ranging from one-person companies to larger corporations, and we want to grant the same benefits to realtors everywhere,” said People as a Service Founder and CEO Rolf Ritter.

Nowadays, many of the 2 million American realtors are spending too many hours completing routine jobs such as scheduling appointments, processing paperwork and conducting marketing campaigns. People as a Service makes it easy to delegate these tasks to virtual freelancers. The company does not merely provide realtors with an endless list of possible workers, but also suggests the one ideal freelancer for the job and follows the project’s progress from start to finish.

“Having been the CEO of a number of companies, I fully understand the importance of time management at work. With People as a Service, realtors can now focus their time on the job they’re passionate about while knowing that the smaller details will be handled skilfully,” added Ritter.

By taking advantage of this brand new service, realtors can significantly increase their revenue and work efficiently with minimal effort. Studies show that support-staff costs are considered a major challenge to profitability in the real estate industry, with 31% of poll respondents citing this as a key concern. As most realtors are also self employed, People as a Service offers the ideal solution to professionals with little time or resources to recruit their own personnel.

“By gathering all the manpower they need into one virtual talent pool, our clients will never again have to worry about finding the right person for the job,” concluded Ritter.


About Author
Akshay is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on LudoTech.
