Contact center Fenero cooperates with Lighthouse Works

Fenero has announced its new partnership with social enterprise Lighthouse Works.

Fenero’s unique cloud-based solution gives users a suite of applications for managing their contact engagement, including automated call distribution (ACD), manual, preview, and predictive outbound dialing, as well as interactive voice response (IVR), live customer chat and email routing. The contact center solution also supports quality assurance features, call recordings, browser-based screen recording integrated with quality auditing, and detailed performance reporting.

Lighthouse Works on the other hand is a social enterprise that provides employment for people with visual disabilities, and offers businesses a socially-responsible, scalable business process outsourcing (BPO) solution. Its world-class call center services currently provide support to companies in the healthcare, hospitality, travel and apparel merchandising industries.With this partnership, the Orlando-based Lighthouse Works will use Fenero’s complete cloud-based contact center software at a heavily discounted rate.

“Lighthouse Works’ wide range of businesses provide job training, employment and career opportunities for the advancement of people who are blind and visually impaired; our business lines exist to forward and fund the mission of Lighthouse Central Florida, which is, ‘living, learning and earning with vision loss’,” said Lee Nasehi, President & CEO of Lighthouse Works and Lighthouse Central Florida. “The cloud-based telephony solution that Fenero offers puts us in a competitive and advantageous position to fully realize these goals.”

In addition to reducing costs, the partnership also allows Lighthouse Works to virtually eliminate ongoing systems maintenance and provides the flexibility to scale the service up or down, depending on the organization’s needs.

“By applying Fenero’s all-in-one contact center platform Lighthouse Works can now offer a better service for its own clients, increase its overall customer base, and provide more employment for the visually impaired in the Orlando area,” said Fenero CEO and Founder Marlon Williams.




About Author
Akshay is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on LudoTech.
